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Ferrofish B4000 Plus Drawbar Organ Module
Ferrofish B4000 Plus Drawbar Organ Module
128 000 Ft

Ferrofish B4000 Plus Drawbar Organ Module

Három polifónikus hanmodul ,modulonkénti külön drawbar beállítások.EQ ,drive ,crunch ,percussion , reverb ,chorus ,vibrato ,comressor.
Preset memoria ,pedál bemenet.
Audio bemenet melyen a teljes effekt szekció küldhető.
Tartozék: tápegység .usb kábel.

128 000 Ft
Our B4000+ puts unique authentic organ sound into a valuable modern design. You will have much fun handling the B4000+ using real drawbars, high resolution endless potentiometers and the TFT display.

Key Features

three full polyphony manuals supported
Percussion including harmonic, attack and decay
Tonewheel emulation including leakage and condition
mechanical emulation including keyclick and key contact delay simulation
physical circuit modelling
rotating speakers emulation
tube amplifier emulation (with overdrive)
FX section: chorus/vibrato, reverb, compressor
external audio input routing through FX
global tuning
envelope attack and decay
MIDI keysplit and velocity
nine drawbars
six high resolution metal dials
TFT color display
ARM Cortex M3 and Sharc DSP powered
USB interface
two MIDI inputs
stereo analog output and headphones
stereo analog input to FX
expression pedal
sustain switch